If you’ve ever wanted to know a bit about who Cliff(that’s me by the way) is, then this is the place to find that information. I call it my user manual and it’s to help others get to know and understand who I am and what I’m about.

Favorite Quote

Do or do not, there is no try! – Yoda



Languages I speak/know


Time Zone

Winston Salem, NC – EST

Fun Fact About Me

I once jumped off of the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas.

Best ways to communicate with me

Asynchronous is the way to go for me personally. I don’t particularly like meetings, but I understand they are necessary, important or even easier at times.

I much prefer to do my chatting on Discord or Mastodon if we can. If we must have a meeting like a Zoom call, then please make sure to give a considerable enough of notice.

When I do my best work

I do my best work when I’ve got some music playing in the background and am in my office/computer room without interruptions. I get in the zone and just do what needs to be done.


Working remote – From the comfort of my own home. I’ve done this for the last 9 years and I have found that it’s the best way for me to work at most any time.

Punctual – My Pops taught me to always be early, not just on time. If the schedule says to be at work at 7am, then expect me to show up by 6:30am.

Communication – It’s something I’ve done all of my career as I’ve always worked in retail, sales, management or similar other things that require a ton of communication. It’s simply something I feel I excel at in numerous ways.

Personal interests

Video games. I have been playing them since 1976 or so and still do to this very day. I don’t see that changing anytime soon, hopefully.

Music, music, music! I can’t survive or focus without music. It’s what puts me in the zone and allows me to do whatever it is I need or want to do.

Iced coffee. I can’t start my day without this. Be it good for me or not, it’s one thing I do every single day right after waking up and giving the cats their treats.

What I’ve done in my work career

I’ve done a lot of different things over the years, but the majority of the time my work has been customer service, customer support, retail, sales, fast-food, management and community management or social media manager type work.

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