There used to be a time back around 2011 – 2015 or so that I was able to write blog posts regularly. I would often do so several times per week. Some of that was because I had a lot of products to review, but some of that was just random stuff I would come up with to write about. Plus I was much more heavily into mobile devices(read that as Android), and was customizing my device and doing different things. I don’t spend much time on my mobile device(read this one as my iPhone) as customization just isn’t of interest any longer.
Now, let’s fast-forward some 10 – 14 years later, and it’s something I struggle with, regularly. I can never come up with blog post ideas, and in a lot of ways, that discourages me because I want to write more blog posts.
I really don’t know why it’s like this now days, but it’s been like this for years. I don’t know if it’s because I once experienced burn out from when I was doing it regularly, or if it’s because I just don’t do much outside of my work day to have things to write about.
There are times that I even try and do a Google search for something like “blog post ideas” or something similar, and nothing just catches my attention enough that I pick something and go with it. I even read other blogs and click links that interest me to see if those can inspire me, but it never seems to do that.

So my question to y’all, for anyone who randomly writes blog posts of their own, how do you come up with ideas to write a blog post? Anything specific? Do you go looking for subjects to write about or do things just pop in your head and you then take it and run with it?
Do you do the Google search idea that I mentioned above and then pick something that others have done and go with that? What’s your secret or what’s your suggestions on how to produce more content?
It’s funny because I was wanting to write a blog post this morning, but couldn’t come up with anything to write about, yet look where we are? Yep, an actual blog post. Granted, it’s complete randomness, but it’s a blog post nonetheless and it’s something I can and certainly will publish this morning as I really would like ideas from others on how you come up with things to write about.
While I know this was certainly a very weird and random blog post, I do want to say thank you to anyone who takes the time to read it and of course a thank you to anyone who might comment and provide some suggestions to me on how to come up with subjects to write about. Y’all are the folks that I want to write things for and I hope to find more ways to entertain you through my writing.
@Cliff @CliffWade I’ve been struggling in this same regard. I attribute it to being older and having more responsibilities; which means I have less “thinking” time when my brain would have strange thoughts that I would write about. That, and I spend more time consuming information than creating it. 😞
@Cliff Believe it or not, I once had a technically focused blog. It had to do with using tools to probe a specific SQLite database generated from a browser extension. Others and myself tried to answer questions from the discussion mailing list. So I used questions to drive my content. I took it all down a couple of years after the extension was dropped.So my thinking is it helps to have a purpose. Even my mini genealogy posts have a purpose — they are going into documents for my family.If you find a purpose, you can get your mojo back.
You are very right! Having a purpose definitely makes a difference and that’s without a doubt my issue is that I don’t really have a purpose to write most of the time. That’s something I want to change, but just not sure how. Heck, all I do is work, eat and sleep. Not much to write about there. LOL
Responding in kind… first blog of the year.
I absolutely love this so thank you for sharing! I believe you and I are in the same boat with how often we write or what we write about. Heck, I didn’t even realize that I managed to get 500+ words out in that quick little note of mine.
I write about some of the tech projects I’m doing, but I also jot down thoughts and ideas in Obsidian throughout the day and some of those end up as drafts for my blog. I’ll go back in and add little bits to those drafts over time until I feel there’s enough for a blog post.
That could certainly be a good idea to write down ideas and thoughts throughout the day. I currently don’t do that, so I likely forget about a lot of stuff that could be pieced together to make something worth writing about.