At some point, most all of us have wanted to have some kind of superpower for whatever reason. A lot of it comes from watching various movies such as Superman, Spider-Man, Batman or many other things.
This is a question that any time I see someone on social media that I follow post a “Ask Me Anything” type question, I’ll often respond and ask them this very question.
So today, I’m asking all of you, if you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? And yes, it can be anything as there are no limitations here in any way.
For me personally, this is always super easy to answer and something I never have to think for more than a second as to what my answer is: TELEPORTATION!

I would absolutely love the ability to go anywhere, at any moment, without having to pay for traveling, having to go somewhere such as an airport just to fly across the country to Las Vegas or another country or whatever. I want to use it to visit every place imaginable, and possibly places that aren’t so imaginable.
To be able to snap my fingers so to speak and be in Norway one minute, and then Paris viewing the Eiffel Tower at night the next minute, to standing on the Great Wall of China the next minute would just be so awesome and amazing.
And yes, that’s exactly how I want it to work. To be able to snap my fingers, or just say something to myself such as “put me at the base of the Eiffel Tower at night” and it just happen. I don’t want to go to some machine like you see above, stand in it, push some buttons or whatever. That’s too limiting, as I’d always have to go back to that machine to get to my next destination. I just want to go and I want to go NOW!
If you’ve made it this far through this silly blog post of mine, I definitely would love to hear from you in the comments below as to what your superpower of choice would be and why would you choose that specific one? Be as detailed as you’d like and make me want to think that having that superpower might be better than TELEPORTATION. Though to me, I don’t see anything cooler, but maybe y’all can convince me otherwise.
The ability to control matter. I could fix climate change in an instant.
Definitely a good one. It would be nice if you could make it a bit colder around here! LOL
False! 72 degrees all year round!!!